Vindictive Bully? Paul Copan on the
Morality of God
Friday: 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Saturday,: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Held at Metropolitan Bible Church
2176 Prince of Wales Drive, Nepean
Is the Bible silent on condemning slavery? Does the Bible endorse slavery? Does God command Israel to utterly destroy those living on the other side of the Jordan river? Doesn’t this mean the Bible is urging genocide? Does the Bible call for holy war? Doesn’t this legitimize atrocities committed by those who claim to be God’s people?
This is just a sample of the questions that are being asked in Canada today. Many people outside the Christian faith find verses in the Bible which lead them to ask these questions. Many Christians, when confronted with these verses and questions, do not know what to say or think. Come hear renowned Christian scholar Paul Copan address questions like the above – and the other similar questions that you have. We want you to have a mature confidence in the goodness and wisdom of the Triune God! So, bring your questions and your friends!
Plan to attend and have your knowledge of the biblical teaching on these matters sharpened and deepened. Come with your questions! Registration is now open.
Featured Speaker:
Paul Copan
Paul Copan (Ph.D., Philosophy, Marquette University) is a Christian theologian, analytic philosopher, apologist, and author. He is currently a professor at the Palm Beach Atlantic University (Florida) and holds the endowed Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics.
He is author or editor of nearly 50 books, including the very popular, strong-selling book Is God a Moral Monster? as well as its companion volume, the award-winning Is God a Vindictive Bully? He is coeditor of The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, The Naturalness of Theistic Belief, Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues, and The Kalām Cosmological Argument (a two-volume anthology).He is coauthor of Creation out of Nothing and Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom. He has also contributed essays to over 60 books, both scholarly and popular, and he has authored a number of articles in professional journals.
In 2017 and 2024, he has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford (Wycliffe Hall and Oriel College). For six years, he served as president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. He also helped establish the PBA’s M.A. in Philosophy of Religion; PBA also a B.A. in Apologetics, and it offers a Program in Cultural Apologetics (which is heavily scholarshiped). He is co-chair of Tyndale Fellowship’s Philosophy of Religion Study Group, which meets every summer in England.
Student Registration: $29.00
Regular Registration: $39:00
Group Pricing (10 or more people) $20/person
Click here to see the conference schedule and session details
Click here to watch any of these Dialogues on YouTube.
November 6th – Gracious God or Moral Monster – Daniel Gilman Click here to find a list of suggested reading from Daniel.
December 4th – Classic Skeptical Challenges to the Christmas Story – George Sinclair & Ben Jolliffe
January 8th – Finding a Better Identity: Sexuality, Gender and Jesus – Jojo Ruba
February 5th – Good News or Fake News: Why should I trust the Bible? – Wesley Huff
March 5th – Divine Child Abuse or Good Friday: Why did Jesus Die? – Paul Carter
April 9th – The Witness of History and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Michael Haykin
May 7th – A Christian Response to Critical Theory – Cameron McAllister Click here to watch some introductory videos on Critical Theory.
June 11th – Clarity on Critical Race Theory – Brandon Cleaver
DIG & DELVE is an annual humble apologetics conference that explores the deeper questions that humans ask.
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